Version 2.0.2
Email & Auto-Responders
We have added the ability to setup ‘Auto-Responders‘, which are emails or alerts that are automatically sent to you or the client when a specific event happens. For example, you can setup an email to be sent to the client when they register for a class. You can also setup an email or alert to be sent to you when this happens. Along with this you can customize the emails that are sent out of the system to your clients.
Alert & Pending Registration Changes
We have made a few changes to our ‘Alerts’ page as well. You will no longer confirm registration from the alerts page. Instead at the top of the page you will see a new link displaying how many pending registrations you currently have in your system. Clicking on that link will take you to the new ‘Pending Registrations‘ page. On this page you can confirm your registrations or put them on a waiting list.
Client Alerts
We have also added a ‘Messages‘ tab to the Client Registration Portal. This is where your clients would see any ‘alerts’ or messages they might have. Currently, these would be messages from the new ‘Auto-Responders‘ if you choose to send them to your clients as alerts instead of emails.
Other Changes
We also made a few other small changes to the software which include:
- The ability for you to specify how many days after the start date you want to allow clients to register for a class.
- Changed the ‘Get Website Widgets’ to be under the Admin tab